Special Effects in Animation and
Special Effect: Explosions
Games: "The Legend of Zelda: Wind
Waker" and "Battlefield 4"
The Legend of Zelda:
Wind Waker: Extremely stylized.
There are little plumes that are designed, then combined, overlaid, and
animated to create a animated explosion. Not a lot of variation from explosion
to explosion. Works very well because of the stylization of the game.
(Overlaying of graphic plumes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zG5gHLCp7g,
explosion examples: http://youtu.be/Ob-yWsolAzw?t=13m56s)
Battlefield 4:
Realistic explosions that are
simulated using a virtual physics engine. Requires much more processing power
than the explosions in Wind Waker. Attempts to simulate realistic chaos in an
explosion, while making it feasible to compute. Very successful because it is
able to balance what is designed and what is calculated by the computer, and
the result looks quite realistic. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2vOu8QkPd0)
Thesis: Explosions can add a lot to
the epic feeling of a video game, and can be done right in multiple ways.
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
- · Explosions are extremely stylized to fit in with the stylized world.
- · All of the explosions for a bomb are really basically the same explosion, but it isn't distracting due to the extreme stylization. When the explosions go off, the camera shakes a bit (as well as the world) to add to the impact.
- · Works very successfully for the game as the explosions look visually appealing and add to the feeling of action in the world.
Battlefield 4
- · Explosions are far more realistic and use more of a physics engine to simulate them.
- · There is a large variety in the explosions, and depending on what weapon you use, what you are exploding, and where you hit what is exploding the explosion will look different.
- · Works successfully because the play station has enough processing power to calculate the complex explosions that the creators have set up. Things blow up in an way that is done as realistically as any game ever has.
Whether simple and designed or more
chaotic and physically accurate, explosions can add a lot to a game.
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